Election Analytics 2024 @ Harvard


Repository of 2024 election forecasts built by students in Harvard's GOV 1347 course.

View the Project on GitHub matthewdardet/harvard-election-analytics-2024

Welcome to Election Analytics 2024!

This webpage is a collection of election analytics blogs made by student forecasters in the course GOV 1347 at Harvard University (taught by Ryan Enos with teaching fellow Matthew Dardet and course assistants Ethan Jasny and Yusuf Mian).

The goal of these blogs is to provide descriptive analyses and regularly updated predictions around the outcome of the 2024 presidential election. Forecasters use rigorous quantitative and statistical methods and political reseach to make scientifically-informed commentary around different facets of the race (e.g., the economy, advertising campaigns).

Forecaster Blogs

GOV 1347 Course Blogs:

Example Blogs: